Why Eating Protein Will Make You Feel Your Best

Why Eating Protein Will Make You Feel Your Best

Ever met a protein junkie? They’re the ones who always seem to prioritise that extra serving of chicken or scoop of lentils. But what if I told you that protein-rich food isn’t just for gym buffs and fitness enthusiasts? It's a cornerstone of overall health and wellness, with benefits extending even to your skin!
Understanding Protein and Its Functions
Protein isn't just about building muscles; it's the backbone of numerous bodily processes. Derived from the Greek word "proteose," meaning "primary" or "first place," protein is indeed fundamental for radiant skin, optimal health, and feeling amazing.
Why You Need Protein-Rich Foods
Today, many people fall short of consuming enough protein-rich foods, which is problematic considering our bodies rely on proteins for various processes. There are two primary reasons why you need protein-rich foods:
Essential Amino Acids: Some amino acids are essential, meaning your body can't produce them, and you must obtain them from your diet, primarily from animal protein sources. This is especially crucial if you're pregnant or breastfeeding, as studies suggest you need even more protein due to your body working twice as hard.
Functional Benefits: Protein-rich foods provide a host of benefits, from supporting metabolic reactions to bolstering gut health and even affecting hormone regulation.
Prioritise Animal-Based Proteins
When it comes to protein sources, animal-based proteins should be your primary focus. Here’s why:
Bioavailability: Animal protein is more easily absorbed and digested by your body, thanks to its complete amino acid profile. Plant protein sources often lack some essential amino acids.
Nutrient Density: Animal proteins are packed with essential nutrients like glycine, proline, glutamine, zinc, and vitamin B12, which support gut health and the immune system.
Quality Matters: Opt for clean, high-quality animal products from regenerative farms whenever possible. Look for organic, pasture-raised, and hormone-free options to ensure you're getting the most nutrient-dense and planet-friendly choices.
Some clean, protein-rich foods from animal sources include grass-fed beef, pasture-raised chicken and eggs, wild-caught fish, bone broth, oysters, raw dairy products, organ meats, and collagen peptides.
While animal protein should be your primary source, you can also include secondary protein sources like beans, peas, lentils, nuts, seeds, and quinoa in moderation. However, it's essential to note that while quinoa is considered a "complete" protein, it doesn't provide the same benefits for your health as animal protein due to differences in bioavailability and nutrient density.
Combine With Resistance Training/Muscle Building
Pairing your protein intake with resistance training can amplify its benefits. Building muscle isn't just about strength; it's about equipping your body to handle energy better. Resistance training, coupled with adequate protein intake, supports muscle health, aids in weight management, and promotes overall well-being.
Prioritise Protein-Rich Food for a Healthier You
The powerful role of protein-rich food in bolstering health cannot be overstated. From supporting hormonal balance to aiding in weight loss and promoting glowing skin, protein is a key player in your wellness journey. By choosing high-quality protein sources and incorporating them into your diet, you can unlock a myriad of benefits for yourself. It's a simple change, but it could make all the difference in your health and vitality.
Kayleigh xx
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