Natural Relief From Allergies Remedies and Prevention

Natural Relief From Allergies Remedies and Prevention

Ah, the familiar signs of allergy season: runny noses, itchy eyes, and relentless sneezing fits. Allergies are a nuisance, no doubt about it.

Traditional allergy remedies often fail to address the underlying cause and can feel like a chore:

Popping an over-the-counter antihistamine every morning
Keeping nasal sprays and eye drops constantly within reach
On the other hand, toughing it out without resorting to these less-than-natural options isn't exactly appealing either. And if seasonal allergies weren't enough, you might also contend with dry, flaky, and sensitive skin due to weather changes.

If you're on the hunt for natural allergy relief, you're in luck.

There exist numerous effective, safe, and holistic methods to bolster your immune system and alleviate allergic reactions – including those affecting your skin!

Natural allergy relief isn't just wishful thinking; it's entirely feasible.

We firmly believe that:

Your body's immune response can be healed by optimizing your biology; it's inherently self-healing!

The Earth has bestowed upon us an array of medicinal herbs and resources to nurture and bolster the body's natural healing mechanisms.
This allergy season, armed with a holistic lifestyle and diet, you can triumph over seasonal woes. As we embrace the theme of detoxification and rejuvenation this spring, let's delve into natural allergy remedies. Whether you battle with seasonal blooms, pesky bug bites, or mysterious environmental triggers, we've got you covered.

Local Bee Pollen or Honey

Natural allergy relief doesn't have to break the bank. Sometimes, it's as straightforward as incorporating a new element into your diet. Bee pollen and raw, unpasteurized honey sourced locally are among the simplest forms of natural allergy relief. Check out our website for a selection of hive-inspired products.

Both contain pollen from local plants, often the very culprits behind your seasonal woes and immune flare-ups. The idea is to gradually build immunity against these allergens by integrating these superfoods into your daily regimen.

We understand the scepticism surrounding such a straightforward solution. But here's an intriguing fact to ponder: The German Federal Board of Health officially recognises bee pollen as a medicine due to its rich nutrient profile.

Local, raw bee pollen and honey offer natural allergy relief by fortifying your immune system over time with:

Anti-inflammatory properties
Essential nutrients

Here are some tips for using Bee Pollen and Honey as Natural Allergy Relief:

Opt for raw, unfiltered honey for maximum benefits (commercially processed honey won't offer the same advantages).

Choose honey sourced as locally as possible to target allergens specific to your area.

Utilise honey to soothe a sore throat; studies confirm its efficacy with zero side effects.

Incorporate bee pollen into your morning smoothie or beverage of choice (if you experience digestive issues, consider soaking it in liquid first to aid in the dissolution of the protective outer layer).
What's not to adore about bee pollen and honey for natural allergy relief? Simple, delicious, and yielding sweet results. 

Natural Histamine Supplements

Histamine is the primary chemical produced during an allergic reaction, triggering the unpleasant symptoms you experience. While antihistamine medications are a popular remedy, they come with potential long-term health risks as they completely block histamine production.

It's crucial to recognise that histamine is a natural reaction in your body. Supporting your body's regulation instead of blocking histamine makes more sense. It promotes a broader perspective of health and regulation within your body.

Histamine supplements, also known as natural allergy medicine, offer effective and safe allergy relief by gently supporting your body's histamine assimilation. Here are a few favourites:

Quercetin: Found naturally in various vegetables, fruits, and grains, quercetin is a bioflavonoid known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps reduce oxidative stress, stabilise mast cells (which produce histamine), and balance immune response while supporting respiratory health.

D-Hist: Often dubbed the "natural antihistamine" supplement, D-Hist provides effective relief for common environmental allergens. It typically contains a blend of quercetin, stinging nettle leaf, bromelain, N-Acetyl Cysteine, and vitamin C, supporting immune health balance and sinus/respiratory health.

Seeking Health Histamine Nutrients: This unique supplement takes a different approach than typical antihistamine or histamine-modulating supplements. It provides essential nutrients necessary for breaking down, processing, and eliminating histamine, thereby supporting your body's ability to balance histamine levels.


Adaptogens are rich in anti-inflammatory properties and offer natural allergy relief along with numerous other health benefits. They help regulate an "overactive" immune system response and provide support for stress and anxiety, both of which impact gut health.

Adaptogens like reishi, astragalus, and chaga provide natural allergy relief by:

Supporting adrenal health, which plays a role in allergic responses.
Reducing nasal blockage and sensitivity in pollen allergy sufferers.
Stabilizing mast cell activity, thereby decreasing histamine production.
Minimizing common allergic reactions such as a runny nose.
Adaptogens may seem unconventional as natural allergy relief, but give them a try—you might be pleasantly surprised. 

Lymphatic Drainage

Your lymphatic system is an integral part of your immune response. Boosting lymphatic drainage is a great form of natural allergy relief to move out toxins and stagnant waste. Proper lymph flow can proactively create natural allergy prevention + lessen allergic responses in your body.

Here are the best ways to use lymphatic drainage for natural allergy relief:

Dry brushing: A bristled brush rubbed across your skin with gentle pressure. It naturally stimulates your lymphatic system.

Rebounding: The simple practice of jumping on a mini trampoline is a fun + easy way to stimulate your lymphatic system. It can strengthen your immune response.
Movement: Any form of movement helps keep your lymphatic fluids moving and doing their job. Try a brisk walk or gentle yoga – it doesn’t have to be intense!

Massage: Manually stimulating the lymphatic system with your hands or holistic massage tools. Both will kickstart lymph flow throughout your body.

A healthy lymphatic system contributes to clear, glowing skin. Proper drainage can also help resolve skin reactions linked to seasonal allergies.

Low-Histamine Diet

If you’re able to partake in a low histamine diet, it can be really beneficial. It doubles as a natural allergy remedy + natural allergy prevention. Many foods contain high levels of histamine, the main trigger for allergic reactions.

Reducing histamine-heavy foods can help you handle environmental histamines better. Why? Your body doesn’t have to work as hard to eliminate excess histamines because there are fewer in total!

Truthfully, a low-histamine diet can feel complicated. But it just takes some intention and extra time because you’ll need to cook almost all of your food fresh. Plus, eating super fresh + whole foods comes with a load of other feel-good health benefits.

You’ll want to eliminate foods known to be high in histamine, like:

Fermented or aged products (yogurt, sour cream, aged cheese, drinks like kombucha, alcohol, and cured or fermented meat)
Pre-packaged products
Pickled foods
Black, green, and white tea
Your diet should mainly consist of fresh fruits, cooked veggies, and animal protein. 

Increase Anti-Inflammatory Foods

This diet is a little less involved than a low-histamine diet as it focuses on adding more healthy (anti-inflammatory) foods instead of inflammatory options.
Prioritising anti-inflammatory foods can provide natural allergy relief via a strengthened immune system. You’ll also be doing your entire body a favour by reducing inflammation – even your skin. ;) It checks out since we know inflammation causes skin concerns like acne and premature aging.

Avoid inflammatory foods like:

Unstable processed oils (like seed oils), especially used for cooking, contribute to oxidation and inflammation in your body.
Sugar, especially refined sugar, increases harmful gut bacteria.
Gluten is known to cause inflammation in the gut.
Conventional dairy products that are hard for your body to digest.
(Raw dairy, on the other hand, contains the needed enzymes to break down lactase, which is a source of irritation for many with dairy intolerances.)
Processed foods high in refined sugar, additives, and synthetic ingredients.

Focus on consuming lots of healthy omegas and anti-inflammatory, whole, nutrient-dense foods like:

Pasture-raised meats and organ meats
Fatty fish like mackerel or salmon
Fish oil supplement (we love this one)
Dark chocolate
Nuts and seeds (in moderation)
Raw dairy (provides beneficial nutrients, protein, and probiotics for gut + skin health)

Inflammatory foods abound in today’s culture, so it’s essential to get back to our ancestral roots. We need to nourish our bodies with seasonal produce and organic, whole, unprocessed foods whenever possible.

Multi-Purpose Baby Balm

Our Multi-Purpose Baby Balm is a serious life-saver when it comes to skin during allergy season. We love it for when you’re in the thick of allergic skin reactions, like eczema or dermatitis. It’s also great for sensitive chapped skin from blowing your nose constantly (ouch!). Which is me currently as I write this blog post.

So, while this balm isn’t exactly preventative against seasonal allergies, it’s a supportive product you’ll want to have ready for any skin concerns related to seasonal allergies. ;) It’ll help keep your skin microbiome healthy to reduce environmental irritants.

Its nutrient-dense and nourishing content includes:

Organic cold-pressed olive oil
Tallow from grass-fed and finished cows
Emu oil from ethically farmed + processed sources
Homegrown Calendula using Organic practices pesticide free and infused for months in olive oil.

Toss the Allergy Meds + Embrace Natural Allergy Relief
Sometimes, the most healing, long-term relief comes by supporting your body on basic levels through a healthy immune system, detoxing abilities, and its innate ability to heal.

So, regardless of your past experiences with allergies (and potentially failed remedies), So, why not try one of these ideas for natural allergy relief? You might be pleasantly surprised.

These natural allergy remedies and prevention will help you feel your best this spring.

Allergens are everywhere – but you don’t have to suffer!

Kayleigh xx

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