Embracing a Fresh Perspective for the Coming Year

Embracing a Fresh Perspective for the Coming Year

How's your year been treating you? Feeling all organised and ready to conquer 2024, or more like celebrating the small victories, such as remembering to brush your teeth and getting yourself (and maybe the little ones) fed and dressed in record time?

Let me tell you, 2023 has been a wild ride for me. Usually, I take some time before the new year to reflect on the past and set goals for the future, but this time around, life had different plans. Juggling a business, being a partner, and a mom to four incredible kids (we even kicked off our home educating adventure this year!) made for a whirlwind of a time. And, oh boy, throw in some hospital appointments and a whole lot of home de-molding efforts – chaos, thy name is 2023!

Between radio shows, podcasts, the holiday frenzy, and dealing with the occasional bout of illness, finding a moment of peace and quiet to gather my thoughts has been a rare luxury. As an introvert, I've missed those moments of solitude to reflect, dream, and plan.

But you know what? Despite the chaos, there's been so much joy in serving my family and allowing myself to just "be" during this full season of life. Shoutout to Amy for introducing me to the wonders of slow living – it's been a game-changer. My dreams and goals for myself and my company will still be waiting for me in 2024, but my day-to-day family life is evolving. My youngest is spreading her wings of independence, my youngest son has discovered a passion for drawing, and I've got two teenagers now, one of whom is bravely tackling exams. Time flies, huh?

Whether your year has been a whirlwind or a breeze, I hope you can find joy in the present. If you're all set to dive into a detailed plan for the future – fantastic! Go for it with all you've got. But if you're not quite there yet, give yourself some grace and soak up the beauty of your current season of life, whatever that may look like.

Sending you lots of positive vibes for a fantastic 2024!

Kayleigh xx

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